I wish I had a good suggestion or solution

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you have a passport? BeEzrat Hashem, i probably need to get one, or at least do the hishtadlut.

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I am letting it go. The machines behind both movements, especially democratic party's, are too huge for a regular you and me. I am disillusioned in the process that skipped most of the steps.

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a little embarrassed, but it took until that one complained about dollar stores to know that it's antisemitic as well as bigoted in general not only to complain about dollar stores, but to pander to the demographic who thinks that a mom and pop store is not a dollar store.


dollar stores were/are one of the reasons for cooperation among jewish and non-jewish in england and london during the early cold war. of course, quality can vary wildly, but it is possible to repair clothing and even tools with stuff from a dollar store.


in a vote between nero/caligula and titus/valerian, i'm with senator horse-kin and the chamor antoninus. it's about time an american senator self-identified as a chamor lavan -- and/or an american-by-choice burro who, like a turkey prince, is perfectly comfortable living as a human -- and even self-identifying as one.


immigrants are the real americans, choosing to either live in a jurisdiction or migrate to a set of laws that people who were born here did not choose. i'm no american - i was just born here.

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Great read. I have a feeling the outcome of this election will cause some secular jews becoming more religious and seeking to find a community that is more exclusively Jewish. It will be more similar to how urban neighborhoods were almost all jewish when my great grandparents came to this country.

In my city, I am quite friendly with people from the Puerto Rican community and I would home to live alongside them over most of the gentrifiers. They welcome me in the musical community and give me meaning. There's an abandoned synagogue in the puerto rican neighborhood that I hope gets revived.

I also would consider moving to many of the African American neighborhoods in my city. I get along well with many folks in that community and BLM has adjusted their position recently to be more empathetic. I see this is a great chance to challenge a commonheld belief in the urban sociology that African American neighborhoods can't be integrated.

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