I am not in Israeli, but like all other Jews, and other Jews who have family in Israel I got my own opinion.

And I feel you hit it on the head. I think that you guys have to clean house. I hate to say this but as soon as the hostages were taken they were a kaparah .

The challenge is that netanyahu is who he is .

And if it takes an act of executive clemency to get rid of him, I say go for it.

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Given his record (he actually made a deal to have nothing to do with Justice Ministry matters and then launched his "justice reform initiative" which he micro-managed) I doubt he is a candidate for executive clemency on condition that he leave politics. No credibility if he gives a pledge to do so.

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Sep 6Liked by Anan Sahadei

I agree that he is not trustworthy, I have seen Politicians, Israeli ones also,, make deals and break them without breathing too hard .

I still think it's worth a try.

At the least get him out for 2-3 years , he is not young , maybe age will slow him down, maybe force him into exile, I don't know

Maybe I am grasping at straws.

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maybe it's important that james carville used kahanism as a wedge to break up shamir's attempts to thwart the olso war process.


maybe it's important that the FBI did it's best to stir up trouble between panthers and JDL.


maybe the same group that killed rabbi meir kahane HY''D is called al-qaeda and its leader KSM did 9/11.


if enough other people do enough mitzvahs(including but not limited to doing the right thing in a complicated situation, refusing illegal orders, choosing wellness and mental good health over a quick profit, honesty in business, and spending at least as much on planning, research, best practices, compliance, private security, and enforcement sensitivity training as on imports from western industry), bibi will do what he's best at and tell the world in `ivrit and english whatever bibi tells.


i like the PM, he's a good diplomat, finance minister, and coordinator. am yisroel should be successful BeEzrat Hashem to win this. hatzlacha. May Hashem win the Oslo war, speedily and in our day. [edited for typo. sorry for my english]

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Well done. Everything makes sense. But Israelis left and even center are confusing the message with the messenger. The stakes are too high to do that.

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Yes, NSYA. I just want to point to the part of the essay where I show that opposition to his continuing in office, and an inability to listen him even when he tells the truth, is present across the board in Israeli politics.

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Thought it was a great explanatory piece of writing! Just heard the following from my Israeli brother. His daughter who lived in Netivot has a social work colleague who’s husband died defending kibbutz Beeri on October 7 screaming st the Hamas invaders ‘were not your enemy!’ The utter delusion of the Israeli left. Had he survived would he consider Bibi his enemy?

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Sep 6Liked by Anan Sahadei

Seems to be driven by an emotional impasse.

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I agree Ilana. I will not judge people whose loved ones are hostages and beloved members of my family are highly active in the movement to get them back. I understand their feelings, and share their frustration that the man more responsible than anyone else for the situation is still calling the shots in the PM's office. But in this case, we have no viable option but to gain a decisive victory, and hope that we can save a few of the hostages.

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Sep 6Liked by Anan Sahadei

I understand their frustration but have no comments on who is responsible for this to happen in the first place. I am not sure I see this productive but I am not an Israeli and my views are limited and probably not particularly relevant - one is to be a part of the embedded culture to comment on it, in my view. Regardless, I have deep sympathy for the families affected and for the country at large.

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